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Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)

Mutilla nigripes Fabricius, 1787:313, sex not indicated.Oriente (leg. Forfkahl). - Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209.:1310 (listed). - As Dasymutilla nigripes: - Krombein, 1950Krombein, K.V. 1950. An annotated list of wasps from Nags Head and the Kill Devil Hills (Hymenoptera Aculeata). Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 65:262-272. (distribution); Krombein, 1963Krombein, K.V. 1963. Natural history of Plummers Island, Maryland. XVII. Annotated list of the wasps (Hymenoptera: Bethyloidea, Scolioidea, Vespoidea, Pompiloidea, Sphecoidea). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 76:255-280. (distribution); Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209. (distribution); Hertz, 2007Hertz, J.C. 2007. Velvet Ants, Mutillidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera). :1-11. (distribution); Pagliano et al., 2020Pagliano G., D.J. Brothers, R. Cambra, A.S. Lelej, P. Lo Cascio, M.M. Palmerini, P.L. Scaramozzino, K.A. Williams & M. Romano 2020. Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bolletino del Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali Torino 36 (1-2):5-425. (distribution).
Mutilla sparsa Fox, 1899:240, ♀. Holotype ♀, Colorado. - Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209.:1310 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)); Pagliano et al., 2020Pagliano G., D.J. Brothers, R. Cambra, A.S. Lelej, P. Lo Cascio, M.M. Palmerini, P.L. Scaramozzino, K.A. Williams & M. Romano 2020. Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bolletino del Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali Torino 36 (1-2):5-425.:59 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)).
Dasymutilla blawa Rohwer, 1912:457 - Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209.:1310 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)); Pagliano et al., 2020Pagliano G., D.J. Brothers, R. Cambra, A.S. Lelej, P. Lo Cascio, M.M. Palmerini, P.L. Scaramozzino, K.A. Williams & M. Romano 2020. Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bolletino del Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali Torino 36 (1-2):5-425.:59 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)).
Dasymutilla segregata Rohwer, 1912:459 - Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209.:1310 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)); Pagliano et al., 2020Pagliano G., D.J. Brothers, R. Cambra, A.S. Lelej, P. Lo Cascio, M.M. Palmerini, P.L. Scaramozzino, K.A. Williams & M. Romano 2020. Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bolletino del Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali Torino 36 (1-2):5-425.:59 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)). - As Dasymutilla segregata segregata: - Bradley, 1916Bradley, J.C. 1916. Contributions toward a monograph of the Mutillidae and their allies of America north of Mexico. III. The Mutillidae of the Eastern United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 42 (3):309-336.:329 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla vesta zella (Rohwer, 1910)).
Dasymutilla segregata finni Rohwer, 1912:459 - Bradley, 1916Bradley, J.C. 1916. Contributions toward a monograph of the Mutillidae and their allies of America north of Mexico. III. The Mutillidae of the Eastern United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 42 (3):309-336.:329 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla vesta zella (Rohwer, 1910)); Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209.:1310 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)). - As Dasymutilla finni: - Pagliano et al., 2020Pagliano G., D.J. Brothers, R. Cambra, A.S. Lelej, P. Lo Cascio, M.M. Palmerini, P.L. Scaramozzino, K.A. Williams & M. Romano 2020. Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bolletino del Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali Torino 36 (1-2):5-425.:59 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)).
Dasymutilla bruneri Rohwer, 1912:460 - Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209.:1310 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)); Pagliano et al., 2020Pagliano G., D.J. Brothers, R. Cambra, A.S. Lelej, P. Lo Cascio, M.M. Palmerini, P.L. Scaramozzino, K.A. Williams & M. Romano 2020. Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bolletino del Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali Torino 36 (1-2):5-425.:59 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)).
Dasymutilla champlaini Rohwer, 1912:461 - Bradley, 1916Bradley, J.C. 1916. Contributions toward a monograph of the Mutillidae and their allies of America north of Mexico. III. The Mutillidae of the Eastern United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 42 (3):309-336.:329 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla vesta zella (Rohwer, 1910)); Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209.:1310 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)); Pagliano et al., 2020Pagliano G., D.J. Brothers, R. Cambra, A.S. Lelej, P. Lo Cascio, M.M. Palmerini, P.L. Scaramozzino, K.A. Williams & M. Romano 2020. Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bolletino del Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali Torino 36 (1-2):5-425.:59 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)).
Dasymutilla hirticula Mickel, 1923:107 - Krombein et al., 1979Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209.:1310 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)); Pagliano et al., 2020Pagliano G., D.J. Brothers, R. Cambra, A.S. Lelej, P. Lo Cascio, M.M. Palmerini, P.L. Scaramozzino, K.A. Williams & M. Romano 2020. Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bolletino del Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali Torino 36 (1-2):5-425.:59 ( listed as synonym of Dasymutilla nigripes (Fabricius, 1787)).


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Area distribution map

map of Dasymutilla nigripes     (Fabricius, 1787)


CAN-AlbCanada - Alberta
(Krombein et al., 1979)
USAUnited States
(Pagliano et al., 2020)
USA-AZUnited States - Arizona
(Krombein et al., 1979)
USA-COUnited States - Colorado
(Fox, 1899 [as Mutilla sparsa Fox, 1899])
USA-FLUnited States - Florida
(Krombein et al., 1979; Hertz, 2007)
USA-MAUnited States - Massachusetts
(Krombein et al., 1979)
USA-MDUnited States - Maryland
(Krombein, 1963)
USA-NCUnited States - North Carolina
(Krombein, 1950)


  • Bradley, J.C. 1916. Contributions toward a monograph of the Mutillidae and their allies of America north of Mexico. III. The Mutillidae of the Eastern United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 42 (3):309-336.
  • Fabricius, J.C. 1787. Mantissa insectorum sistens species nuper detectas adiectis characteribus genericis, differentiis specificis, emendationibus, observationibus. Tome I. Proft, Hafniae [=Copenhagen]. 348 pp.
  • Fox, W.J. 1899. The North American Mutillidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 25:219-300.
  • Hertz, J.C. 2007. Velvet Ants, Mutillidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera). :1-11.
  • Krombein, K.V. 1950. An annotated list of wasps from Nags Head and the Kill Devil Hills (Hymenoptera Aculeata). Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 65:262-272.
  • Krombein, K.V. 1963. Natural history of Plummers Island, Maryland. XVII. Annotated list of the wasps (Hymenoptera: Bethyloidea, Scolioidea, Vespoidea, Pompiloidea, Sphecoidea). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 76:255-280.
  • Krombein, K.V., P.D. Hurd, D.R. Smith & B.D. Burks 1979. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 2. Apocrita (Aculeata). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. 1199-2209.
  • Pagliano G., D.J. Brothers, R. Cambra, A.S. Lelej, P. Lo Cascio, M.M. Palmerini, P.L. Scaramozzino, K.A. Williams & M. Romano 2020. Checklist of names in Mutillidae (Hymenoptera), with illustrations of selected species. Bolletino del Museo Regionale di Scienze naturali Torino 36 (1-2):5-425.